About Me

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Born in Whyalla...lived in Katherine NT for 26 years and now in Newcastle NSW.....

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Djindu (Sun)

(c) copyright 2011

The Sun

The flames that bring our lands to life

Thank you

Hi All,

Would just like to thank everyone who came into my stall on the weekend. Your comments are greatly appreciated and I really enjoyed meeting everyone throughout the day.

Also a special thank you to all that purchased a painting and or mutiple paintings. I certainly hope you really injoy them or if they are presents I hope the people receiving them are happy with them.

I will be back at the Olivetree markets on the 17th of December.

Once again thank you and have a safe and happy Chrissy with the family....

Cheers Crofty

Friday 4 November 2011

Shifting Sands

(c) copyright

“Shifting Sands”

'Throughout time the wind has blown over the country and the landscape has changed due to the shifting of the sands. Constant changes over the years form new hills, rivers and gullies.'

"This is my Grandfathers country the country of the Barngarla people the country where the shifting sands sculpture the lands."

Shifting Sands

(c) copyright

“Shifting Sands”

'Throughout time the wind has blown over the country and the landscape has changed due to the shifting of the sands. Constant changes over the years form new hills, rivers and gullies.'

"This is my Grandfathers country the country of the Barngarla people the country where the shifting sands sculpture the lands."


(c) copyright


‘Throughout the wet season the rains restore land growth and fill rivers, creeks and waterholes across the land.’

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Water (New)

(c) copyright 2011


‘Throughout the wet season the rains restore land growth and fill rivers, creeks and waterholes across the land.’

Tuesday 1 November 2011